kImageLibRequiresQBMath Please, install Tabasoft ImageLib and try again Please, install QuickTime and try again Cannot open Viewer Unknown file format QuickTime Movie: process failed File BMP damaged (color depth not supported) File BMP damaged (palette resource) File BMP damaged (palette) File BMP damaged (color depth) File BMP damaged (size of image) File BMP damaged (compression type) File BMP damaged (number of color planes) File BMP damaged (length of header) File BMP damaged (length of file) File BMP damaged DXF file in uncorrect format DXF file in uncorrect format DXF file in uncorrect format QuickDraw3D Extension not installed GIF document damaged Wrong code in GIF file (Table not inizialized) Photoshop file in unsupported format (PackBits Decompression) EPS file in unsupported format (file with no prewiew) EPS file in unsupported format Photoshop file in unsupported format (Version) Photoshop file in unsupported format (Color Range) Photoshop file in unsupported format (Color Table not found) Photoshop file in unsupported format Photoshop file in unsupported format (Version) Photoshop file in unsupported format A problem occurred while reading a GIF file (LZW Table too long) A problem occurred while reading a GIF file (Code Size) A problem occurred while reading a GIF file (Color Range) GIF file in unsupported format (LZW Table too long) GIF file in unsupported format (Color Range) File GIF in formato non supportato (Local Color Map) GIF file interlaced in wrong format GIF file in unsupported format GIF file in unsupported format (Color Table not found) GIF file in unsupported format Can't display this file. QuickTime Extension not installed JPEG file in unsupported format (MarkerDetect) JPEG file in unsupported format Photoshop file in unsupported format (Color Range) Photoshop file in unsupported format TIFF file in unsupported format (Tag DotRange) TIFF file in unsupported format (Tag FillOrder) TIFF file in unsupported format TIFF file in unsupported format TIFF file in unsupported format (Y Resolution) TIFF file in unsupported format (X Resolution) TIFF file in unsupported format (BitPerSample) TIFF file in unsupported format (Tag Predictor) TIFF file in unsupported format (Tag Resol. Unit) TIFF file in unsupported format (Tag Plan. Config.) TIFF file in unsupported format (Tag StripByteCount) TIFF file in unsupported format (Tag RowsPerStrip) TIFF file in unsupported format (Tag SamplePerPixel) TIFF file in unsupported format (Tag Orientation) TIFF file in unsupported format (Tag Strip Offset) TIFF file in unsupported format (Tag Phot. Interpr.) TIFF file in unsupported format (Tag Thresholding) TIFF file in unsupported format (Tag Compression) TIFF file in unsupported format (Tag BitPerSample) TIFF file in unsupported format (Multi-Image) TIFF file in unsupported format (Range of colors) TIFF file in unsupported format TIFF file in unsupported format TIFF file in unsupported format Decompression Error. (LZW) TIFF format (No Clear Code) Errore in decompressione (LZW) formato TIFF (Tavola>12 Bit) TIFF file in unsupported format (Orientation) TIFF file in unsupported format (Compression) TIFF file in unsupported format Not enough memory to open TIFF file TIFF file in unsupported format TIFF file in unsupported format TIFF file in unsupported format TIFF file in unsupported format TIFF file in unsupported format TIFF file in unsupported format TIFF file in unsupported format TIFF file in unknown format TIFF file in unknown format TIFF file in unsupported format